The Bruce Harkness Young Scholar Award
The Joseph Conrad Society of America presents an annual Bruce Harkness Young Conrad Scholar Award, named in honor of Bruce Harkness, Conrad scholar and former president of the society. The award is presented to an outstanding graduate student who is writing a dissertation on Conrad or to a recent Ph.D. who has been teaching for no more than five years and is doing research on Conrad. The award consists of a $100 honorarium, one year's membership in the Joseph Conrad Society of America, and a complimentary invitation to the annual Conrad Society dinner held during the Modern Language Association convention.
Winner of the 2024 Award: Jim Ward ”Conrad and Australia: Operatic Instability and ‘The Planter of Malata.’”
To be considered for the 2025 award, please send a sample of scholarly writing (not to exceed 9,000 words) and a CV to Mark Deggan, President, The Joseph Conrad Society of America, at: by December 1, 2025. The award will be presented at the annual Conrad Society dinner to be held during the Modern Language Association Convention.
Past Winners:
Tom Henthorne, 1995 Rebecca Carpenter, 1996 No award given out, 1997 Celia Kingsbury, 1998 John G. Peters, 1998 Peter Lancelot Mallios, 1999 Stephen Donovan, 2000 Kevin Bell, 2001 Mark Chilton, 2002 Stephen Ross, 2002 Rebecca Walkowitz, 2003 Katherine Baxter, 2004 Scott Allen Cohen, 2004 Joanna Kurowska, 2004 Cristina Mathews, 2004Yael Levin, 2005Deaglan O Donghaile, 2006Mark Larabee, 2006Lissa Schneider, 2007 |
Agata Szczeszak-Brewer, 2008 Maurice Ebilenni, 2009 Nidesh Lawtoo, 2009 Alexia Hannis, 2010 John Attridge, 2010 Andrew Martin Purssell, 2011 Julie Napolin, 2012 Jessie Oak Taylor, 2012 Michaela Bronstein 2012 (Honorable Mention) Johan Adam Warodell, 2013Mark S. Bennett, 2014Jay Parker 2015Jennifer Janechek 2016Adam Meehan 2017Joshua Bernstein, 2018Virginia Butler, 2019No award given out 2020No award given out 2021Tung An-Wei, 2022Xiaoling Yao, 2023 |
The Ian P. Watt Prize for Excellence in Conrad Scholarship
The Joseph Conrad Society of America presents the biannual Ian P. Watt Prize for Excellence in Conrad Scholarship to a distinguished Conrad scholar. The award is named in recognition of Ian P. Watt, a distinguished scholar in Conrad studies. The award was originally made possible through the generosity of Mrs. Ruth Watt. There are joint-recipients for the Ian P. Watt Prize for 2020: John G. Peters and Allan H. Simmons.
Past Winners:
The Adam Gillon Book Award in Conrad Studies
The Joseph Conrad Society of America presents a periodic award in Conrad studies. The Adam Gillon Book Award in Conrad Studies is named in recognition of the founder of the Joseph Conrad Society of America and long-time president of the society. The prize is awarded at the Joseph Conrad Society of America’s annual business meeting. Eligible works must be published book-length critical or biographical studies written in English (or mainly in English) or translated into English and must be predominantly about the life and/or works of Joseph Conrad. In addition to single-author works, book-length collections of essays in Conrad studies and significantly-revised editions of earlier critical or biographical works in Conrad studies are eligible. Reprints of earlier critical or biographical works in Conrad studies (unless significantly revised) and editions of Conrad's writings are not eligible. The award consists of a $200 honorarium. The next cycle of the award will consider works published from 2023 through 2024. The winner will be notified in late November or early December, and the prize will be awarded at the Joseph Conrad Society of America's annual business meeting at the Modern Language Association's convention in January 2026. Publishers and authors/editors are welcome to nominate books for this award. For more information on submission, please contact Mark Deggan, President of the Joseph Conrad Society of America, at
Winners of the 2024 Award1st place: David J. Supino, Joseph Conrad a Bibliographical Catalogues. Liverpool University Press 2022.2nd place (shared): Robert Hampson and Veronique Pauly. The Reception of Joseph Conrad in Europe, Bloomsbury, 2022, and J.A. Warodell, Conrad’s Decentered Fiction. CUP 20223rd place: Alexia Hannis, The Discerning Narrator: Conrad, Aristotle, and Modernity. University of Toronto Press, 2023.Honorable mention: Kim Salmons, and Tania Zulli, eds. Migration, Modernity and Transnationalism in the Work of Joseph Conrad. Bloomsbury 2021. Winners of the 2022 Award1st place (shared): Yael Levin, Joseph Conrad: Slow Modernism, Oxford University Press, 2020, and Lissa Schneider, Jeffrey Mathis MacCarthy, and John G. Peters, eds. Conrad and Nature, New York: Routledge, 2019.2nd place: Helen Chambers, Conrad’s Reading: Space, Time, Networks. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.3rd place: Hugh Epstein, Hardy, Conrad and the Senses, Edinburgh University Press, 2019.Honorable Mention: John G. Peters, ed. Conrad’s Drama: Contemporary Reviews and Observations. Leiden: Brill/Rodopi, 2019. Winners of the 2018 Award1st place (shared): Andrew Francis, Culture and Commerce in Conrad’s Asian Fiction, Cambridge University Press, 2015, and Nidesh Lawtoo, Conrad’s Shadow, Michigan State University Press, 2016.3rd Place: Katherine Isobel Baxter and Robert Hampson, eds. Conrad and Language, University of Edinburgh Press, 2017. Winners of the 2015 Award:1st Place: Robert Hampson. Conrad’s Secrets. Palgrave, 2012.2nd Place: Wiesław Krajka, editor. From Szlachta Culture to the 21st Century, Between East and West: New Essays on Joseph Conrad. East European Monographs, 2013.3rd Place: John G. Peters. Joseph Conrad’s Critical Reception. Cambridge University Press, 2013. Winners of the 2013 Award:Zdzislaw Najder Essay Award
The Joseph Conrad Society of America announces the creation of the Zdzislaw Najder Essay Award. Essays can address any aspect of Conrad’s life or works. Submissions must have been published 2023 through 2024 in a refereed journal or in an edited collection of essays. The award for 2023-4 will be announced at the annual business meeting of JCSA at MLA 2024. Please send inquiries and submissions to Mark Deggan, President, The Joseph Conrad Society of America, at: no later than December 1, 2024.
Winner of the 2024 Award: Agnieszka Adamowicz-Pośpiech, for, “The Reception of Joseph Conrad in Poland (1896-2018). The Reception of Joseph Conrad in Europe, eds. Robert Hampson and Veronique Pauly, Bloomsbury, 2022.
Winner of the 2023 Award: Johan Warodell, “Reading Conrad’s Unpublished Trilogy: ‘Youth,’ Heart of Darkness, and Lord Jim.” Journal of Modern Literature, vol. 46, no. 1, Fall 2022.
The Torrens Travel Grant
Named for the Torrens, which was Conrad’s last ship before he embarked on his writing career, travel grants for new scholars are offered by the Joseph Conrad Society of America to offset the cost of attending a conference to present a paper on Conrad. Applicants should submit the following: a letter itemizing travel expenses for the entire trip and indicating financial need (preference will be given to graduate students and adjunct faculty members) and evidence of having a paper on Conrad accepted for presentation at an upcoming conference (a photocopy of either a letter of acceptance or of the appropriate page in a conference program). Applications should be sent to Mark Duggan, President, The Joseph Conrad Society of America, at: Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible, since funds are limited and will be awarded on by a committee of JCSA officers on a first-come, first-served basis.
Juliet McLauchlan Prize
An annual prize is awarded by the Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.) for an essay on any aspect of the works and/or life of Joseph Conrad. The prize is dedicated to the memory of Juliet McLauchlan, a much loved Conradian and former Chair of the Society, by encouraging writing from new Conradians. The value of the prize is 200 pounds sterling. The essay competition is designed to foster work by new Conradians and emergent scholars, including undergraduates, postgraduates and independent scholars of any age, subject to the proviso that entrants should not have held a full-time academic appointment for more than three years. Essays must be original and not previously published, between 5000 and 7000 words in length, in English. and typed double-spaced. Entries for the 2021 competition should reach us by 31st May 2021. Send as an email attachment to Dr Hugh Epstein The essays will be judged by a panel of Joseph Conrad Society committee members and the winning entry will be announced at the Society's Annual International Conference in July. Winning and commended essays will be favourably considered for publication in The Conradian. Entries, accompanied by a brief c.v. and current address, should be sent to: The Secretary, Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.), c/o P.O.S.K., 238-246 King Street, London W6 ORF, England. Should you wish your essay to be returned, please send a S.A.E. with your entry.
Joseph Conrad Society (UK) Study Grants and Travel Bursaries
The Joseph Conrad Society (UK) invites applications for financial support, up to an annually determined maximum, for attending Conrad conferences, or undertaking research or pursuing a special interest, in the UK or abroad, in relation to the works of Joseph Conrad. The grants budget is limited and other sources must have been approached in the first instance. A statement of expenses, with receipts, is required. All sums in sterling. For more information on applying for funds, click on the following link:
Gail Fraser Memorial Conference Travel Grant
In remembrance of Gail Fraser (1939-2011), Bruce Fraser has provided funds for a young scholar either in the final stages of doctoral studies or within three years of obtaining the doctorate to defray costs of attending the Society's annual conference. Applicants must be members of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK) at the time of application. There is no restriction as to whether they hold a full or part-time position, or whether other support is available. The annual grant is £300, which will be given to one individual or shared, as determined by the awards committee. Those wishing to apply for this award will find details at: .